"Specialists in High Integrity Offshore Launch and Recovery Solutions"
Forklift Pipe Stabilsers
Forklift Pipe Stabiliser - Basic Model specifications:
Pipe stabilisation forklift attachment system
Each system provides working capacity up to fork capacity
Load capacity:
16,500kg (note: Attachments will be derated to suit each forklift)
Fork Attachment compliance plates
Compliance with AS2359.6 – 2013.
Each stabiliser matched to forklift tyne dimensions (up to maximum tyne length of 2400mm minus lost load of 254mm)
Stabilising range (vertical) 0mm to 1000mm
Clamping force – no more than 500kg on pipe
Elimination of contact with pipe via:
Nylon wear pads attached to underside of the stabilisation arm
Sleaves on bottom tyne arms (client supply)
Nylon wear pads on fork side to act as bumper
Number of hydraulic functions: 1 (vertical stabilisation only)
Pipes must be rolled back to the fork shanks before stabiliser is engaged
Custom options available upon request