"Specialists in High Integrity Offshore Launch and Recovery Solutions"
SPHL Recovery Checklist
It is recognized that the requirements for lifting of personnel are more stringent than those for the lifting of equipment. The below checklist provides some guidance as to things to review when selecting a system for the recovery of SPHLs:
Lifting Appliance Design
Design Report/Certificate detailing design load of the system, which should be third party verified (ie. by Classification Society or similar).
IMCA LR 006, M187. A3-2, “The crane used in the lifting of personnel should be certified for man riding”.
Applied loads related to wind, heel and trim should be detailed.
System should be designed for fail-safe operations with consideration given to:
Failure of single hydraulic cylinder
Failure of HPU
Failure of power supply
Lifting Analysis
A Lifting Analysis should be completed in order to validate the appropriateness of the design load.
Such analysis should be conducted based upon:
The vessel and SPHL hydrodynamic details
The lifting method, including location of crane tip
Relevant sea state parameters and time domains
Worst case vessel and SPHL headings
Lifting Appliance Manufacture
Manufacturing Survey Certificate, which should be third party verified (ie. by Classification Society or similar).
This should confirm manufacture was completed in accordance with the design.
Including material records, welder records and qualifications, weld procedure records, including charpy v-notch and factory load testing.
IMCA LR 006, M187. A3-2, “The crane used in the lifting of personnel should be certified for man riding”.
Interface documentation, which should be third party verified (ie. by Classification Society or similar), relating to interface of the lifting appliance with the vessel.
Should include:
Stability assessment
Structural assessment
Survey of actual interface materials and workmanship
Batch certificates for structural fasteners (ie. bolts)
Certificate for torque tool used to secure bolts
Cross check against torques detailed in design report
Procedures / Task Plans
Procedures /task plans should be provided for recovery, including detailed risk assessment/risk management treatments.
Ensure risks such as:
SPHL rigging connection to hook are evaluated and treated
Collision with vessel
SPHL swing
Sea state for operations
Winches should be suitable for man riding, including:
Dual automatic failsafe brakes
Each brake to be independently tested for at least full rated load (NOPSEMA guidance)
Winch to be confirmed to have suitable minimum speed (wave avoidance) for recovery
Wire rope certificate
Should be appropriately rated for lifting of persons
Wire rope termination Certificate
Hook block
Inadvertent opening to be prevented
Anti-Two block
System to be confirmed as functional
Load Testing
Load test certificate:
Load testing completed at minimum 12 month frequency or last modification or installation by a Competent Person using test loads based upon the planned lift, as determined by a lift analysis.
Calibration certificates for load test device (ie. loadtest cell)
Hydraulic hose test certificates, pressure tests less than 5 yearly intervals
Chain Sling inspected in last 12 months (best practise)
Seafastening plan, including design report
Rigging certificates for SPHL seafastening rigging